Dish washing Loofah (3 pack) + Cylindrical Loofah · 7,76 €

Dish washing Loofah (3 pack) + Cylindrical Loofah

7,76 €

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A conventional dish washing sponge is made with Polyurethane, Polyester and Vegetable Cellulose . Polyurethane is considered a thermoset plastic, and its fragments cannot be melted and melted again to be reused. Materials such as Polyester, which is also a derivative of plastic, and Vegetable Cellulose, although more environmentally friendly at first sight, also become major polluting agents when looking at their manufacturing process.

That's why we have an ecological alternative to offer you! A substitute for this type of traditional dish washing sponge, one with excellent quality and that will give you the same results while protecting the planet!

What's their name and origin?

Loofah or Luffa are related to the cucumber family! This vegetable is very popular as food and also as an eco-friendly alternative to replace conventional sponges. It has long been a part of the culture in countries like India, Vietnam and China.

It is an 100% natural alternative.

How is it produced?

The vegetable is left to dry 150 to 200 days, the peel is removed and it is compacted to take the form of a sponge or as you can see in the two versions of this product its natural shape is also maintained. Creating flat Loofahs and cylindrical ones.

Use specific loofahs for specific tasks

The flattened Luffa in the form of a mop, in contact with the water will then expand and gain volume making it an excellent alternative for washing dishes.

The cylindrical Luffa is ideal for use on hard surfaces, cleaning baths and showers, mopping floors, cleaning benches and tables.

Cleaning your luffa

  • After using them, dry them on a clothesline, in the sun when possible, preferably do not leave them soaked next to the sink.
  • Once a week for disinfection purposes you can fill a container with hot water and place the loofahs with 2 to 3 drops of Tea Tree Essential Oil, mix and leave for 1 hour.
  • You should change your dish washing Loofah every 3 weeks.

Our cleaning suggestions are due to a study that shows that traditional dish washing sponges are full of bacteria. To read more about the subject read the article . This advice is valid for your Loofah's as well as your dish washing sponge, if you still want to have one.

This Pack Includes

3 x Dish washing Loofah's
1 x Cylindrical Loofah (Hard Surfaces, WC's)

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