óleos essenciais para crianças com autismo doterra

Children with autism and the use of essential oils, dōTERRA recipes

Children with autism and the use of essential oils, dōTERRA recipes

Today, which is World Autism Awareness Day (April 2nd), we thought it would be good to share with you the benefits of essential oils. For those with people in the family with autism there are some essential oils that have so far proved successful when included in a daily therapeutic routine.

These children are very sensitive beings, hence their behavior is less stable, they have access to a lot of stimulus and have difficulty maintaining concentration. These children teach us things we have to learn, we learn to be calm for them, we learn to react less, we learn a lot in this process that is for both of us.

For children experiencing learning difficulties, who need help with concentration, have difficulty sleeping and (or) a weak immune system, try the following mixtures and oils.

What types of behavior can we see reduced, especially in intensity?

  • Anger
  • Anxiety
  • Attention deficit
  • Hyperactivity
  • Hyperstimulation
  • Sleep problems
  • Agitated breakdowns or dropouts

Calm the nervous system with DDR Prime - Cellular Complex + Copaíba

Combine the DDR Prime essential oil with Copaíba essential oil, put inside a roll-on 20 drops of DDR Prime with 20 drops of Copaíba, then add a little fractionated coconut oil until the bottle is filled and mix before using.

apply doterra essential oils autism

Application Method: Apply from the middle of the neck to the base of the spine and on the soles of the feet 2 times a day. (If your child has very sensitive skin, reduce the amount of Copaíba to 10 drops.)

Read more about DDR Prime essential oil

Read more about Copaíba essential oil

Improve concentration with In Tune - Essential Oil

Application Method: Since it is a roll-on, you will no longer have to make any mixing, just apply it directly along the spine, on the nape and behind the ears at the place where the sternocleidomastoid muscle meets the skull.

Read more about In Tune Essential Oil

Preparation of the bed where the child sleeps

Use a spray bottle, add water and mix 20 drops of Lavender essential oil. Before using, shake well. Then spray the sheets and pillow an hour before your child goes to bed.

To create a calm atmosphere before bed, use an Essential Oil Diffuser

Use your diffuser in the room where your child sleeps or in areas where you spend more time with him during the day:

How to Use: Mix 4 drops of Vetiver essential oil with 4 drops of Juniper and 4 of Frankincense and let the diffuser run for about 2 hours before your child goes to bed.

If he / she likes it, he / she can leave the diffuser to work during the night. If its a dōTERRA diffuser don't worry that it will stop automatically when you run out of water.

Scientific studies

It should be noted that until now it has not been possible to categorically conclude that essential oils help to improve the living conditions of autistic children or children with attention deficit. Such studies are still ongoing, including one at Ohio University, yet the results will be, like in all of science, largely limited to the instruments that science uses to try to observe. That is why at Bem&star Essencial we would like to inform you of the option of trying to approach this issue in a more holistic way that can perfectly combine aspects of conventional medicine with alternatives, for example Aromatherapy.

However, it should be noted that several people with children with autism or attention deficit have noticed improvements, including also in children with autism (non-verbal). Therefore, the experimentation of therapies that may not yet be proven by conventional science are not to be excluded, since they may in fact be effective.

For those interested, see the following testimonies / documentation.

Mother's experience with essential oils

Ohio Wexner Medical Center Study

What is the effect? How do essential oils work?

Na nossa loja encontra...


  • ola boa noite, tudo bem. tenho um filho autista gostaria de receber algumas receitas de blends ou sinergia em relação a foco, ansiedade, pra fala, irritação e agitação.
    gostaria tambem de receitas para fazer no difusor.

    ariane risques on

  • O cheiro do óleo é maravilhoso

    Elizete on

  • Excelente matéria. Gostei muito

    Mariah Josah on

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